Sunday, December 16, 2012


Girls are so confusing. can maybe a girl help me figure this one out?

Theres this girl i really like we are both around the age of 17. well when we first starting hanging out she would text me every hour of everyday. Then we started to hang out a lot and she doesn't text me nearly as much I'm lucky to get a text from her a day i have to text her first now.
i have thought about it and at first i thought maybe she doesn't like me as much as she use to or she is interested in another guy or something. but when i thought about it more when we hang out she gets more teasing and flirts a lot more. I'm getting the vibe she likes me when we are in person but not so much over the phone.
i guess the question is why would she go from texting me all the time to barely texting? while all at the same time she acts like she likes me more then a friend when we are together?
hahahaha wow this is so classic immature high school.



  1. The capital of France, on the Seine River; pop. 2,175,000.
  2. A Trojan prince, the son of Priam and Hecuba.
         This is the Defintion of paris. when you normally think of Paris thats probably what you think of. For all I know paris is just an image that someone made up. Ive never seen it before, so how do i really know its there? Made someone used photoshop to get create what it looks like on google earth. Some day I will go and findout for myself.
        This year I have learned a lot in this class. I never really wrote in my journal before, but now that I have i realized that its the best way for me to vent what Im thinking about and cant say..

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Physically and Mentally drained.

  For the pasted couple of days I have been fighting a sore throat and stuffed nose. Not like the simple stuff that barley effects you, but hits hard. As I am writing, I can barley keep my eyes open, my thinking is clouded, I cant breath through my nose, I keep coughing. Being sick completely drains you of all the will to do things. I wonder how long Ill be sick for...? It knowing that tomorrow your going to be getting even worse or you ll be slowly getting better. I have to say though, the thing I'm extremely thankful for is yeah I have a cough, but its not painful to swallow...(Knock on wood...)
   I know being sick is just a humbling thing to help you appreciate being well. I am thankful to be able to be humbled, but Ill sure be happy when this sickness goes away. Think how crazy it would be if people never got sick... I wonder what would happen to the world?? I know its this way for a reason, but it would be interesting to see what would happen... Well I'm looking forward to go to bed... Goodbye now..

Farmers Daughter

"Farmer's Daughter"
by Rodney Atkins

Well I heard he needed some help on the farm
Somebody with a truck and two strong arms
Not scared of dirt and willin' to work
till the sun goes down
So I pulled up and said I'm your man
I could start right now and we shook hands
He said the fence needs fixin',
the peaches need pickin'
And the cows need bringin round

I was haulin hay, I was feedin the hogs
and that summer sun had me sweatin like a dog
So I cooled off in the creek
then it was back to work in the daggum heat
I was cussin' out loud, thinkin bout quitin'
Lookin' back now I'm sure glad I didn't
Cuz just when I thought it couldn't get no hotter
I caught glimpse of the farmer's daughter

She was just gettin' home from Panama city
she was all tanned up and my kinda pretty
When her eyes met mine
I was thinkin that I would sure love my job
as the days got shorter our talks got longer
the kisses got sweeter and the feelings got stronger
so we'd hop in the truck and get all tagled up
every chance we got
we were down by the river all night long
when the sun came up I was sneakin' her home
and draggin my butt to work
with the smell of her perfume on my shirt
I'd be on the tractor she'd be on my mind
with that sun beatin' down on this back of mine
Just when I thought it couldnt get no hotter
I fell in love with the farmer's daughter
we got married last spring
Woah and there ain't no better life for me

I'm still haulin' hay and feedin' the hogs
and that summer sun has me sweatin' like a dog
so I cool off in the creek
and she brings me outta glass of sweet ice tea
I'm on the tractor and shes on my mind
and I can't wait till its quitin' time
and just when I think it can't get no hotter
I come home to the farmer's daughter
Yeah the farmer's daughter
    The reason why I like this song/poem so much? I like this song because life seems so simple in it. It just makes you hope that there is everything good in the world and no bad. I know that there are terrible things going on in the world, I know that for fact. I just love listening to songs that say, "Life is good, and things happen to good people." I guess I just yearn for the time where my life is a country song.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

pics i find on my computer...

sad boots...

blue bike
 Its a baby!!


1- Hello?
2- Hey
1- Hey
2- Hows it going?
2- Well thats good..... so anyway do you want to hang out later tonight??
1-?? sure (laughishly)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012


 So I never realised how fun retail can be till today. Today was my first day working at a retail store. We sell pants.... Lots of pants... We are a pants store... anyway, It was really interesting to me how much of a game it was to me. It felt like a game and your goal was to sell as much things in your store as you are able to. TODAY I WON THIS GAME.... :D I sold the most Items out of our crew, or team, or what ever you call it. It felt pretty good every time I made a sell that benefited our team. I dint work off of commission, but its still feels good selling the most Items..
         I am so glad that I am decent at this job. I know that I have a lot to learn and need to get way better, but it felt good being able to do well and have my managers notice. I just hope that if I do really well, that my friends who work with me dont get angry or upset with me. Thats something that I am actually pretty nervous about..

How to FOLD a pair of Levis Jeans.

Turn over and your jeans are ready to be stacked
Levis pants
Fold jeans in half with the Red tab facing down
Fold in half like this
Fold in half again bringing the leg opening to the double stitching on the back of the jean

Fold pant leg up
Fold the leg opening down to where the full "bat wing" shows

                                                              Fold bottom down a little

Fold in half again up to the double stitching on the back.

                                                                             Fold bottom up

fold a pair of Levis
There you have it

Monday, November 12, 2012


Blackout newspapers.

                                                    "WHY LOOK BAD, LOOK GOOD"

See my thoughts are black out the guy about to get tackled and you get a guy who looks like hes destroying the field and hes got only green grass infront of him.

Monday, November 5, 2012


"Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)"

Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
Were you in the yard with your wife and children
Or working on some stage in L.A.?
Did you stand there in shock at the sight of that black smoke
Risin' against that blue sky?
Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry?

Did you weep for the children who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don't know?
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below?
Did you burst out with pride for the red, white and blue
And the heroes who died just doin' what they do?
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself and what really matters?

I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell
You the difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, hope and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love

Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
Were you teaching a class full of innocent children
Or driving down some cold interstate?
Did you feel guilty 'cause you're a survivor
In a crowded room did you feel alone?
Did you call up your mother and tell her you loved her?
Did you dust off that Bible at home?

Did you open your eyes, hope it never happened
Close your eyes and not go to sleep?
Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages
Or speak to some stranger on the street?
Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow
Or go out and buy you a gun?
Did you turn off that violent old movie you're watchin'
And turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns?

Did you go to a church and hold hands with some strangers
Did you stand in line and give your own blood?
Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family
Thank God you had somebody to love?

[Chorus x2]

And the greatest is love.
And the greatest is love.

Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?

I Remember

I Remember
I Remember the day the world stopped turning.
I Remember the day when I got candy for going tho the bathroom.
I Remember the day that I got my first kiss.
I Remember how awkward the kiss was.
I Remember how I used to lay over the vent in my room and put a blanket over me to trap the heat, so that i was warm for the night.
I Remember that moon lit ride that scared me because i didnt have a light on my dirtbike and i had a light in my mouth.
I remember thinking pulling the clutch in on my bike, reving the engine to scare away things that could hurt me.
I remember that girl who made fun of me because my size.
I remember that first Mt. Dew that i drank.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


  I don't understand why the heck I am sad all the time. Most the time I am depressed. Like tonight is Saturday night and I have texted people in my phone to see if they want to hang out and I got rejected by ever one of them. this exact same thing happened yesterday on Friday night. what the hell is so wrong with me that I don't have friends and cant make them. I try to be a happy person who people could like but it just doesn't happen.

    At the same time I don't want to put what my thought are on this blog because Mr. Nelson could be reading what is on my mind.... I'm not sure if that a good thing or bad thing. For all I know he only reads the ones that he thinks is interesting. He doesn't want to read about a kid who is depressed and feels alone. He probably wants to read about happy Indie blogs, at least that's what John Reeder says. I don't know what to do anymore.
    I have a 3.8 GPA and freaking 18 on my ACT. like freak!!! John Reeder got a 27 on the ACT and he doesn't seem like he cares about school maybe he does. hes a good kid and probably just hides it but maybe he studied like crazy to get that for all I know. but i got a freaking 18 school and going to college means everything to me to be able to to support my family and future kids and wife. I want to be able to be the dad that mine was never around to be. but I will fail if I cant get into to college.
     I watch all these kid inside of the school of lone peak. there is about 2200 students at this school and yet me one of the 2200 feels so alone and an outsider. what am i an Allen. do i have weird creepy antennas sticking out of my head?? do i have green skin. do i have an abnormal head. whats wrong with me? what do I need to do to help myself be better, what do i need to do to make friends. what do i need to do to be the cool kid in school? the kid that everyone loves and talks to and hangs out with.

    I come from a family that was taught to hide your feelings that you arent supposed to talk about them that its a bad thing. that your a cry baby. i am the youngest in my family and i have 4 older brothers who teased the crap out of me. when did the phrase " sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." get so much fame? that phrase is complete bull! i would rather be beat with rocks and sticks then be attacked by words. words hurt and you can defend your self from the pain.

  blahh blahh blahh i bets thats all your thinking if you actually read through this. your probably thinking some people have it worse off so stop feeling bad for your self. well when do i get any simpathy for how much my life sucks and how much i struggle? i understand that people have it worse off then i do, but im actually out telling people saying " HEY SOMETHINGS WRONG" i want someone to vent on and have them help me through my struggles because to them they know i would do the same for them.


One Word

      Done tire alone troubled stress sad pity gloomy depressed angry scared mad happy crazy why annoyed friends nonexistent love wife family home bored no one pondering eyes pain twitch cant open iPhone ipod ihome ilife irelationship simple easy perfect steep jug water thirsty mega pixels screen color technology advance brick door blinds table fish punch lip reading save understanding crazy nerd stupid act stress win football lone peak knights blessings wrong bracelet pen pencil pen state pentagon blank box homeless drugs sex sin Jesus atonement Mormon believe do I in what nail hammer broken finger screen hamlet food bad food tire sleepy eyelids

Sunday, October 21, 2012

You tube.

Over the weekend my friend showed me these videos you should go watch them when you get home. they are the funnest videos..

BLR videos

Direct Orders

 Rock out like its Friday night and you can sleep in for two days in a row.
 Rock out like your eating your favorite Cereal.
 Rock out like you are the Regan Champs.
 Rock out like you just dont care.
 Rock out because you will BE THE CHANGE.
 Rock out like you just confessed you soul to someone and they didnt reject you!!!
 Rock out like your in Love.
 Rock out like you just found out your the best dancer ever.
 Rock out like rockers rock out.
 Rock out like you dont have to grow up.
 Rock out like your favorite song.
 Rock out like your singer you favorite song.
 Rock out like you just found out that you have a new nephew.
 Rock out like you just got your brothers hand written letter.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I know that poem looks like a big beast of a thing, skip it and read on other post, help me know what i do okay and what needs improvement.


Duct Tape Will Fix Most Anything
By Elton Camp
It’s one of the most versatile products I’ve seen
Duct tape, whether it’s gray, brown or even green
Any cracked tiles you don’t really need to replace
A bit of sticky tape will hold them right in place
Is your radiator hose getting about ready to burst?
It won’t, as long as you wrap it with duct tape first
And if you’ve got a slit in your car’s vinyl seat
A piece of duct tape will close it up ever so neat
If your throw rugs are always trying to scoot around
Duct tape the bottom to keep them were they’re found
It will hold electric extension cords down to the floor
So that you can walk and not trip over them any more
It’ll also hold electric wires together after a splice
Wider than electrical tape so that it work so nice
If the rearview mirror should try to drop from the car,
Duct tape will keep it from drooping down quite so far
If your brother’s visiting child is noisy as well as cute
It can work quite well to put the odious brat on mute
An envelope it will seal up very secure and tight
In case the taste of glue isn’t exactly your delight
It will easily close up a partial bag of potato chips
In case the bag isn’t one of the type that zips
If the batteries in the TV remote control pop out,
Duct tape will safely hold them in without a doubt
And anytime that your shoe laces happen to break
Just keep your shoes fastened with some duct tape
If the dryer should leave some lint on your clothes,
Don’t need a brush, duct tape works better than those
If your old car has, in spots, completely rusted through
Then some pieces of duct is all you need to make do
If the heel of your sock has grown a lot too thin,
Duct tape will make it just like new once again
If suspicions of your wife’s trust you have felt
Then it will make an emergency chastity belt
But one thing the manufacturer truly does feel
Is that any leaking duct work it won’t much seal

Freaking Bricks AND Freaking Duct Tape


You might be asking why??

These two things can be so important in our everyday life!!

Just think of all the things that you could use them for, and dont tell me you dont know or cant think of any because that would be.... that would be.... that would be.... ummm..... you know that crap and you suck at thinking and trying if you cant make a list.

All the things we can use these for may be way important, maybe even life saving.

some may be just simple things that just help you out...

but after everything that they do for you YOU FORGET ABOUT THEM AND PUT THEM ON A SHELF AND FORGET  ABOUT THEM TILL YOU NEED HELP AGAIN, AND SURLY THEY WILL BE WAITING, READY TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR EVERY NEED, KNOWING THAT EVENTUALLY YOU WILL PUT THEM ON THE SHELF AGAIN. (you could be thinking why the heck are you yelling at me right now, freaking all caps stop yelling at me.) but this is how I feel...

You always forget about those things till you need help again.

Have you ever thought that we might be tired of being USED!!!

We try to do all that we can to be their for you and when we need some help you blow us off and wont help us at all.


oh well I love me for me and I know I try my best.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall Colors

Sometimes pictures can say so much then words.
on my way to see my brother and his new baby the canyon showed this....

with Fall, soon comes winter...

and I welcome you winter. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Friday, October 5, 2012

What my bones say...

          I walk through the halls all alone. I act like I don't pay attention to the people around me. I have gone through most of high school ALONE.

               Their are so many people in high school who rely on other peoples attention and praises. aka the popular people. I don't have friends. You say your my friend, but lets be serious! You don't give a _____ about me. To my face you'll say oh year were cool, were friends, but the fact of the matter is.
YOU DON'T CALL, YOU DON'T TEXT, YOU DON'T TALK TO ME, i am so alone, YOU DON'T ASK HOW I'M DOING, if you do ask , I will lie and say I'm good, great, or awesome with a fake face.(yes I have learned the face) If you were my friend, YOU WOULD KNOW I AM LYING THAT I HAVE PUT ON THE FACE, to hide all and any suspicion.
So they stopped understanding and sent the angry kid to a boys’ home – St. Swithin’s. Used to be funded by the Wayne Foundation. See, I figured it out too late. You have to hide the anger. Practice smiling in the mirror. Like putting on a mask. You showed up one day in a cool car, pretty girl on your arm. We were so excited – Bruce Wayne, billionaire orphan. We made up stories about you. Legends. The other boys’ stories were just that. But when I saw you I knew who you really were...
I’d seen that look on your face. Same one I taught myself.
 You don't know me, you don't care about me. If i died you wouldn't even know I was gone, if you did you would forget about me soon after.
-The Dark Knight Rises
 I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known, don't know where it goes but its only me and I walk alone.
Why would I want YOU in MY LIFE if I know that you will leave me in the END.
       PROVE TO ME that you actually care about me and care who I am. Ill give you that same respect until you show me that you wont do the same for me.
 You who read this are the first to hear what my bones actually say...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Poem Jacked


All you need to do is look,
For they are everywhere.
They carry with them a protected heart,
They see with a special stare. They are America's combat Vets,
That many have set aside.
But they speak in words that resonate,
The feelings deep inside. For they have witnessed a Heaven's Gate,
And cheated the Reaper Sythe.
Nothing quite so important now,
Their memories never die. Just yesterday I met another,
Who mentioned his tour in 'Nam.
We spoke of times and dates and things,
Lost time in an afternoon sun. Yet so in touch with simple things,
This Brother with the widening grin,
He opened his heart and showed me still,
There's room for another one in..*g


         There are som many things that run throught my mind.

Mean Thoughts, happy thoughts, angry thoughts, weird thoughts, depressed thoughts, some times no thoughts at all.

     Thinking really makes all the emotions of life come out and smack you it the freaking face!!
This weekend I didnt have the most positive thoughts, I wasnt very happy.

   So when you have un happy thoughts listen to the song THREE LITTLE BIRDS by BOB MARLEY

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Fears. Their is so many different things that we can fear, but it is us who decide if we will let these fears control us. So many people say I'm afraid to ask this girl out on a date, what if they reject me? well so what if they reject you!!! She will be missing out on getting to know an amazing person. It her loss and you can go and find someone worth your time and heart. I know hundreds of times where I let my fear get the best of me. What do I have to lose?? if its meant to go badly then it will, if it doesn't go bad then good for you for doing something that your fearful of. Never back down and conquer the things that hold you back.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Moments that matter most.

Its sad that we don't remember or focus on what matters most.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Love is Sacrifice. That is what love means to me. I know that im only in High School and I dont know what the heck is going on, even if I try to keep up. There are to many times when people throw this word around like it doesnt matter. People have defaced the word that at one time was so beautiful.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


    Money has got to be at the top of the list for the top best and worst things ever. Like everything revolves around money. So many times money can cause joy or pain. In so many divorces or fights in a family its caused by money issues with the family going into debt. It causes so much frustration in the family that there parents relationship start to dwindle till they start to go in different directions.
     At the same time money can be a wonderful tool that cause be used wisely and bring families closer with trips and what not, or people are just super loaded and don't have to be wise with their money and they just blow it on what ever sounds fun. Then here comes the kids who the parents buy what ever the kids want like a 400 dollar pair of pants(wtf) like really??? why on earth do you need to be wearing 400 dollars on your bottom half of your body?? that's such a waist of money, if you have that much money to blow, go do something productive like feeding the homeless or some ducks, i don't know. just don't spend that much on pants and then in a month or less you buy them another pair...
      Anyway, be wise with your money and just be happy with 12 dollar jeans from Ross.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


         How I know that I am human is because I have taste buds. I am able to go to my refrigerator and grab something that looks good to eat. I can put it into my mouth and get the explosion of tastes. Strawberries, apples, pears, oranges, meat, eggs. There is so much food that tastes good.
          We often forget the simple pleasures that life gives us. Like whens the last time that you thought how thankful you are for ice, having a ice cold glass of water. When you go to the fridge and get a glass of milk?? the milk is cold and ready to drink. I am so thankful to be able to have so many things that improves our way of living.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


     We came into the writing lab today and created a blog for our creative writing class. I wonder how this year of school is going to go. I honestly believe that i have a personality that is meant for me to be alone. I don't mean alone alone, but i mean i am not a person who has people flocking to them. i don't want to use names of people. Ill try to explain it the best that I can. Some people have a personality that people tend to just want to be around all the time and talk to and hang out with... Well I'm not that person. I tend to be alone for the most part, i don't have people who go crazy when they see me in the hall or other places. My phone is never ringing off the hook with all the calls and texts coming in. well times done ill write later....